How To Mix Dot Cleaner


Dot Cleaner products deliver powerful cleaning with dramatically less chemical. Learn the proper way to mix Dot Cleaner to take full advantage of our unique Dilute Oxidation Technology®.

    • Dot Cleaner pouches - SHOP NOW

    • Scissors/knife

    • Mixing Equipment

    • Spraying Equipment (Powered system preferred)

    • PPE

    Recommended Tools

    • Drill & Paint mixer attachment

    • Bucket (for mixing multiple gallons of Dot)

    • Scrub Brush

    • Drop cloths, rags, and microfiber towels

    • Note the volume on the Dot pouch. If the Dot pouch says "Makes 1 Gal," then you will mix the contents of the pouch with 1 Gallon of water. Or mix two 1 Gallon pouches with two gallons of water, three 1 Gallon pouches with three gallons of, water and so forth.

    • Dot is designed to work with your existing spray system and remediation process. The instructions below will be based on mixing multiple gallons in a bucket. Please contact us for assistance adapting these instructions for your process.

    • Workers should wear appropriate PPE for the space and job. 

    1. Gather necessary materials

    2. Assess the area to be cleaned to estimate the amount of product you will need.

      1. Please note that volumes will vary depending on surface condition, mold staining type, and severity and other factors so we encourage you to bring extra product to ensure enough to complete quality remediation work. Typically, 1 gallon of Dot Cleaner will treat between 100-500sqft depending on the application. Check out “How to Use Dot Cleaner on the Job” or reach out to our Technical Specialist Brian Lester for surface-by-surface instruction

    (For instructions for specific types of remediation work, see How to Use Dot Cleaner On The Jobsite)

  • Mixing Well: We recommend the use of a large bucket for mixing, and a power drill and paint mixer to reduce mixing time.

    Where to Mix: Side A (the Oxidizer) can be mixed at any time and location. For example, if accessing water on site is an issue, mix Side A at your facility prior to transport. Mixing Side A may take one to two minutes. Side B (the Activator) should be added to the mixture immediately before beginning the job. Mixing Side B should take seconds.

    Is Hot Water Necessary? The use of hot water is preferred when mixing Dot products. Hot water can be attained from a kitchen sink, bathtub, or utility sink. That said, Dot products work effectively with any water and hot water is not required.

    Spraying Equipment: Dot Cleaner will work with your preferred spraying system, but handheld or pump sprayers may not work as well on really tough jobs so we generally recommend powered sprayers. If using a handheld or pump sprayer, make sure to pump enough pressure into pump sprayer for liberal application.

Mixing Dot Cleaner


Fill mixing container with the hottest water available.


Cut open ONLY Side A of pouch and pour contents into the water.


Stir with paint mixer (recommended) until fully dissolved. Powder typically dissolves in 1-3 minutes. This can be done on-site or at your facility.


Cut open Side B of pouch and pour contents into the mixed solution. Stir again until fully dissolved. Side B typically dissolves in seconds. This must be done on-site just before starting the work.


Pour Dot cleaner mixed solution into your spraying equipment.

Once combined, Dot is ready to use and will provide peak performance for approximately 2-3 hours.* Dot products can be activated again with Dot’s patented Activator Tablets.

*Peak performance time based on Dot’s Mold Stain Remover, peak performance time varies by product.

Applying Dot

Every job is different.  Check out our How-To Guides for removing mold stains from various surfaces.



from $10.00


With 20+ years of mold remediation experience, our Technical Support Lead Brian Lester provides 1-on-1 customer education and helps guide first-time Dot users.
