Dot® is part of a larger mission. Our parent company, Sudoc, was born from a breakthrough in science that can remove toxic chemicals from our planet and put chemistry in balance with nature. Dot harnesses that science to create powerful cleaning products that dramatically reduce the need for harsh chemicals. This can minimize carbon footprint, improve remediation and restoration worker conditions, improve outcomes for homeowners, reduce waste, and reduce resource use.

Learn More About Sudoc

We strive to make great products as part of a mission-driven brand that can help you grow your business.

Roger Berry | CEO


We are in business not only to provide restoration and remediation professionals across the country with powerful cleaning products that are better for their workers and clients, but also to help elevate your business.   

That’s why we offer volume pricing, 5-star customer service, training content, and marketing support to help your business grow. 

Volume Pricing

5-Star Customer & Technical Support

1-on—1 Product Guidance

Marketing Support and Resources

As part of a deeper partnership, our ambassadors are automatically eligible for volume pricing, and have access to unique marketing collateral, such as customized videos, co-branding opportunities, and the Dot Ambassador Badge. Dot Ambassadors are hand-picked and reflect and share our values. We also work with Ambassadors to develop and test new products.



Roger Berry | CEO

Roger is the CEO of Sudoc, LLC, Dot’s parent company. He has 20+ years of experience with investing in and leading companies with a focus on transformative sustainability.

rberry@sudoc.com | 610.643.4313

Brian Lester | Technical Support

With 20+ years of mold remediation experience, Brian helps develop new products and shares best practices and tips with our customers.

blester@sudoc.com | 610.643.4313

James Bill | Sales & Customer Support Lead

Coming from the world of sustainable real estate development, James has an acute understanding of homeowner and business owner challenges when facing tough remediation work.

james@dotcleaner.com | 610.643.4313

Dickie Herbst | Sales & Customer Support

With an extensive background in product development and customer service, Dickie is passionate about helping businesses thrive.

dherbst@sudoc.com | 610.643.4313

Hope Duarte | Fulfillment Support

Hope ensures all Dot® orders are packaged, shipped, and tracked to arrive on time for your next job.



Learn more about our parent company Sudoc, LLC.
