Winter Months Are Tough for Mold Professionals

Brian Lester’s Notebook

Here in the Midwest, winter is a drain on sales as people want to stay indoors and avoid service in their home. It can be a challenge keeping staff busy and productive.

This Indiana Mold Remediation, year my mold remediation business that uses dot, stayed reasonably busy by focusing on real estate related projects. 

The Indianapolis housing market is strong, and we have relationships with realtors that call us when they encounter mold. If you don’t have any of those contacts, I’d recommend creating systems that provide simple easy estimates for real estate agents and speaking at their offices. Realtors love to have someone come and speak to them regarding mold problems.

The frigid, winter temps usually pose a challenge in cleaning attic decking. Some of our older, liquid products would literally freeze on contact with cold attic decking. Fortunately, with DOT we can use our cleaning product hot which has eliminated the problem this winter. 

Here at DOT we are grateful for the efforts of all our early adopters to try out our revolutionary, new mold cleaner. And we are pleased to offer you a 20% discount on a first purchase using the code EARLY at checkout. We’d love to add you into our marketing and advertising efforts and drive some business your way in 2022!

As always, feel free to reach out to me anytime with questions or concerns. Your feedback is what drives our efforts to make the best and most environmentally conscious product on the market

Thanks for reading - give me a call anytime.

Brian Lester
610-643-4313 ex.1


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