Mold Season Is Coming

by Brian Lester | Indiana Mold Remediation | Dot Ambassador


“March Madness” means something different to me than it does for a lot of people.

While most people spend the upcoming weeks following college basketball, my “March Madness” at Indiana Mold Remediation means evaluating our field capacity, training new estimators, replacing or repairing equipment and vehicles, and stocking up on essentials like plastic, poles, and Dot Cleaner. And to top it off, as the weather turns from the cold dry air of winter into the wet spring of Central Indiana, I will inevitably get inundated with calls of new musty odors and mold growth that “came up out of nowhere.”

There is an old saying: “If you don’t like the weather, wait a day and it will change.” As temperatures fluctuate quickly, these cycles often lead to condensation moisture and mold problems, especially on exterior facing surfaces.

Learning From Our Past Experiences

Around this time last year, a client was surprised at rapid mold growth around the upper portions of their exterior walls as the weather began to turn. After an investigation, our team determined that moisture was coming from an open flame heating appliance that they kept on during overnight lower temperatures.

Unfortunately, all that open flame combustion led to a huge amount of moisture in the air, which condensed near where the walls and ceiling met. We also found out that the client had recently added insulation to the attic to make the home more energy efficient, but that also increased the amount of heat (and moisture) near the tops of walls, which added to the condensation and subsequent mold growth.

The project involved a lot of surface and contents cleaning to get things right. If we used jugs of liquid cleaner, we would have had to pack the truck full for this job alone! Fortunately, we had plenty of Dot Cleaner pouches on hand to clean surfaces and restore the home to a healthy and safe condition for the homeowners.

PREPARING for every scenario

Having the ability to be prepared for the coming season is always a priority this month. Fortunately, Dot Cleaner’s small size makes shipping, stocking, distributing, and planning a breeze. Storing Dot Cleaner in all of our vehicles dramatically improves our capacity for an immediate response to problems like these -  without waiting for more product to arrive or having to make an extra trip to the local supplier.




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