How to Take Before & After Photos

Learn how to take great before & after photos to elevate your business and showcase the power of Dot!

What You Need:

  • Smartphone camera

  • A good light source

  • Dot Cleaner

Example of a great before/after set using Dot Extra Strength Mold Stain Remover on a stairway with painted brick. Taken by Pure Maintenance of Southwest VA.

Before/After Image Checklist:

Do your images check all these boxes? If so, you’ve got a great before/after set!

  • Contextualize: Make sure there is something identifiable in the space so your client can easily understand what is being treated.

  • Focal Point: Your image’s subject matter (i.e. tough mold stains) should be prominent and centered. Select a particularly nasty area for maximum contrast between the before and after images.

  • Same angle: Take the photos from the same vantage point. This means that wherever you put your camera for the Before photo, you’ll need to replicate as best as possible for the After photo.

  • Consistent lighting: If you are in a dark space, use your camera’s flash for the photos. Try to eliminate harsh shadows especially in your focal area.

    • Pro Tip: Have a coworker use their phone flashlight if you need an extra light source. Just make sure their phone is not in the shot when you snap a photo!


A “single shot” before/after image of a warehouse ceiling. Taken by Pure Maintenance of Alabama.

Forgot the “Before” Picture?

If you’re halfway through a job and suddenly realize that you forgot to take a Before picture, don’t worry! You can also take a “single shot” image showcasing an untreated area next to the area you have cleaned.

Your client will assume that the cleaned area was just as nasty as the untreated area.

Tips for success:

  • Feature roughly an equal amount of the “before” and “after” sections in your image.

  • Make sure both areas have good and consistent lighting


Send us your Before/After Images!

Do you have a great before/after image set using Dot Cleaner? If so, send it to us and we will feature it with your business name on our website and social media.


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